© photo by michelle bryant
every day is a miracle.
i know this to be true.
yet, every once in awhile
i feel insecure,
roaming around- often aimlessly
on this big blue marble
trying to fill the emptiness
that is within mi.
every day, i wake up
i feel so overwhelmed.
and standing by the ocean
i become acutely aware
of just how small i truly am.
but then You breathe on mi
through the wind
and i know Your love is so big.
You have great and wonderful plans for mi
even though i might stray or resist or doubt.
You lift mi up and you fill mi.
You give mi breath and whisper to my soul “arise”
and so with all i have,
with whatever is left of mi,
i pull myself – despite my weaknesses
and i move…
toward You.
pursuing Your purpose for mi
for today-
is a miracle
and i DO have breath.
© michelle bryant