© photo by michelle bryant
Heavenly Father,
Creator of everything.
i thank you for blessing me with this
wonderful gift.
how honored i am
to be a part of Your plan,
to feel life and love in a whole new way
as this child grows within my womb,
knowing that its heartbeat- is because your heart beats.
dear Lord, this gift which you have given me,
which i am grateful for-
i return it to you wholeheartedly.
i pray, Lord that as i await the birth
of yet another one of your miracles,
that you would calm my fears and fill me with the strength
of your love during this time.
may my husband and i and the life we’ve created,
be filled with your peace and blessings.
may this child be brought into this world
healthy and safely,
from your loving arms to mine.
Lord, i thank you for allowing me to be a vessel to bring
the newest part of your creation to life.
i pray that all who surround us
will see your glory and grace,
in the reflection of our new baby’s eyes.
© michelle bryant