people don’t really know mi.
if they truly did they would know that…
- i am generous beyond means,
- compassionate and forgiving even when it hurts to be so.
- i strive to move beyond the mistakes of the past and press on toward accomplishments of today.
- i cry a little almost every day, sometimes of joys, most times not. but i love to laugh…often.
- i am oversensitive and over emotional but would never intentionally hurt anyone.
- i wear my heart on my sleeve, although it is scarred.
- i pray several times a day (in adoration, appreciation & need)
- i believe in second chances
- i am transparent yet often not very obvious in my intentions.
- although a writer, i have difficulty expressing myself verbally one to another.
- i see things differently than most – this is both a blessing and a curse.
- i am tough yet tender, passionate yet reserved, cautious yet spontaneous, simple yet complex, strong yet fragile, outgoing but shy, intelligent but naïve.
- i am different in every aspect of the word – from the way i look at the world to the way i do most anything- this often makes mi misunderstood.
- i believe in letting go of things that weigh mi down and holding tight to those which are uplifting. i try myself to be uplifting & encouraging to others & make those that surround mi feel there is something special in them and show my enthusiasm in their successes.
- i believe people are basically good and will do what they say
- im working every moment of every day on improving myself, my “words” my “anger” and the legacy i will leave behind, therefore, i hope to have no time to criticize others.
- i guess, i’m still trying to make (and leave) my mark, even though every time i do, someone paints the wall.
people don’t really know mi…
for i am an artist, a dreamer, paradox, an enigma.
i am uncommon, exceptional and not easy to love or understand.
but (among other things),
i am faithful, loyal, devoted, trustworthy, and so worth the journey.
~ © c. michelle bryant