© photo by michelle bryant
(recipient name changed)
i wish you a lot of things~
like warm, sunshined moments where you are prepared to tackle whatever comes your way, and days filled with smiles ready to greet the world, a mailbox full of warm wishes from people who love you and to know how important you are not only to them but to this world because you mean so much to so many (even though you may not see the impact you have made),
i wish you,
in the middle of this crazy world
to find an oasis of peace.
to know that i am thinking of you,
praying for you.
i wish you a lifted spirit when you’re feeling low,
someone to hold you when you’re afraid or want to cry,
a shoulder to lean on for support,
extraordinary happiness beyond your wildest dreams,
enough prayers to give you the strength you need
to get you through the tough times,
sweet dreams to take away the stresses of the day,
your own personal angel to drop out of the sky
so your corner of the world would be as bright as a lightening bug.
i wish you continuous ripples of kindness and generosity, prosperity and tenderness
and truckloads of nascar and gamecock laughter.
i wish these things for you because..
there are so many things i love about you..
for one thing you give special meaning to my life,
for the silent times when your eyes and arms tell mi all i ever want to know,
for the places you have taken mi with your kisses,
because you can see in a place where once there was nothing and yet in the deepest part of my heart.. you chose to see the beauty therein.
because i see the sparkle of the gem that lies beneath the surface
of the mask of fear you hide behind,
because of the man of integrity you are,
for so many reasons there are not enuf words or hours in a day to express.
yes, because of what you have done to my heart,
because of the impact you have made in my life,
i wish you oh so many things.
but mostly..
i wish you love,
true love beyond what you have always dreamed of
and i wish you to know at this very moment while you are reading this..
that i am thinking of you
and you are dearly loved.
© michelle bryant