© photo by michelle bryant
Today I heard someone say, “your opinion of me doesn’t matter and it doesn’t make up my self- worth.” And I thought hmmm..is that really true or something we just tell ourselves? My mind got to thinking about how the way others think about us often reflects what we think about ourselves. For example, a child who is raised being told he is a loser all his life is statistically going to feel like a failure at most everything he achieves while the one who is encouraged and uplifted is more likely to be a more well-rounded and secure person.
As parents we praise our children often. Teachers encourage students. Coaches motivate players and so on. But it seems to be only given on an “as needed basis” and only when pertaining to the subject at hand, which then led my mind down an entirely different trail. And I began to wonder why do we wait until someone dies to mention the good things about them? And then gather in a room filled with other people who knew them and probably knew the same things? When the people in our lives are alive today?
I attended a retreat once where letters were written from various people who knew the attendees and then were dispersed to them at a special dinner. It was a very emotional time and those letters still hold unique significance for each of them. For one attendee in particular it was the last and only letter ever received from his father. So take the time. We live in an electronic age sending thousands of emails a week. Why not send one person in your life an email a day? Tell them what they mean to you TODAY. Tell them the good things they bring to your life, the things that make them spectacular to you. The smile that lights up a room, the personality that is full of energy and makes them a joy to be around, the faith that moves mountains, whatever it is. Why wait to tell strangers what this person has done in your life? Tell THEM.
Because truly we are all works in progress and deep down I believe we all need the encouragement to know we are living a life of purpose and meaning, making a difference. Maybe my opinion of you doesn’t make up your self-worth but I bet it’s still nice to hear the “good things”. So, I challenge you, open your email address book, get out your facebook friends and start making a list of the “good things” and share them while they are still alive to appreciate it.
God has not called us to see through each other, but to see each other through. ~Author Unknown
© michelle bryant