It’s a year of new beginnings and if you’re like mi you’re feeling a mixture of emotions. Maybe there is some excitement about the possibilities that lie ahead and there might be overwhelming thoughts or fears of the unknown as well.
Whatever your thoughts and feelings are, as you tackle 2023 let’s make this the year of positivity.
Start with just 30 days of speaking positivity; no negative words, no negative thoughts, no negative outside sources, no gossip, no fear… only positivity.
If situations or people or thoughts approach you that are negative try to turn them into something positive and if you can’t then let it go.
You might want to keep track of the good things as they happen, the blessings, the small things you might have overlooked before. Write them down and look back on them next year’s Eve.
Girl, its time to focus on the sparkle. So,let’s take this the year 30 days at a time to be positive. Think positive. Act positive. Embrace positivity in all areas of your life.
c. michelle bryant griffin
photo courtesy of focus on fabulous creative photography