Today is March 4th. It’s National Son’s Day. As I was seeing this, I thought of my Aunt Cherry burying her son today. At first, I was sad but then I remembered, God gave His only son for us. How incredible for my aunt to turn her son over to the Lord on a day dedicated to sons.
When I was raising my sons, I pretty much lived in the moment, determined to raise confident men that were respectful, kind, and strong. Men that would be great husbands and fathers one day. At the time it didn’t occur to me that those moments would now be memories.
Sometimes we don’t recognize the value of a moment until it becomes a memory.
Life is full of moments that may seem small or unimportant, but looking back, they often have the most meaning and significance. They are precious and can often pass by unnoticed. It’s important to take the time to appreciate each moment as they happen and make memories that will last us a lifetime because before we know it, all they will be is memories.
I’m sure today as my aunt says goodbye to her son, surrounded by his siblings, her sister, and other family members she is cherishing and reflecting on past moments with him. It is often in those moments that we can find joy even through our sadness. We recognize that the loss is immeasurable because the love is so grand.
I encourage you to take every day, every second and strive to be more mindful of the moments and appreciate the little things. Cherish them while you can. Do not fret if the dishes pile up, disregard the scattered toys and cluttered house once in a while because life can change in an instant and you never know when those moments will become memories.
© c. michelle bryant griffin