Did you have trouble getting up this morning? Maybe it was too cold, maybe it was nice and dark, or cozy, warm, and snuggly. Perhaps your bones were just too achy to move. Or you simply lack motivation and gumption. You just need a break…from life.
But sometimes our lifestyle doesn't allow us to stay in bed as long as we would like.
There are kids to get places, jobs to go to, classes to attend, and other things that don't
wait for us.
Oftentimes, we stay up too late or forget the alarm and rush without eating breakfast. From then on, our day is a constant whirlwind. In general, we find we are hurrying through our entire day. This can leave us faint and tired by day's end. We are impatient at red lights always in a hurry, tired and sore, and exhausted in our minds and our
bodies. We need energy and motivation to endure.
It is easy to feel overwhelmed, and it's ok to take a break and rest. But those times when you feel overwhelmed, like giving up, or staying in bed all day, remind yourself that you have faced challenges before and have come out victorious. Take a moment and realize that as of this moment, you have survived 100% of all your bad days. That's pretty amazing.
Think about the times when you felt like giving up, but you found the strength to keep going and persevered. Take some deep breaths and remember that although the current situation may seem overwhelming, you have the power to overcome it. Ask for help if you need but most of all, stay positive and be proud of yourself for all that you have
Life is always trying to teach you something. Making excuses is just bullshi**. Behind every excuse is fear. So, what are you really afraid of? While you think about all the things you're going through, think about all the things you've already been through, and through all of those what are you the proudest of doing, of overcoming?
Girl, the world needs you, your smile, your shine. No matter how messy your life is or how much it seems to be falling apart. You can rebuild it whether it takes two months or two years. You've done it before, and you'll do it again. All you have to do is sit up, stretch, and notice the sun shining through the window gloriously sharing a brand-new day with you. Now, put your feet on the floor and take the first step toward the opportunities that await you. And as you walk through the door to your day, remember, that you have achieved so much already, and you can get through whatever challenges have you feeling overwhelmed. You can do this!
© c. michelle bryant griffin
Image by Pexels 9143/images